Saturday, March 8, 2025


 So me and JD have decided that in terms of post-production, we would go 50-50 and he would handle the footage side of things, and I would handle the sound side of things. As I sit around, waiting impatiently for the edited footage to create the soundscape to, I can't help but get started on some foley sound design, and what better place to go than YouTube?

I had previously found some copyright-free SFX to use in post-production in past YouTube excursions, so today I'll show you what they look like over the big climax: the picture burning.

Here's the original video with original sound:

And below are some pre-recorded foley SFX I had planned on using from YouTube:
When editing, I felt that the soundscape was a little too dull. While the overall tone of the opening is rather solemn and dull, the soundscape was a little too monotonous. So, I decided to add two new sounds: breathing and a very subtle heartbeat. The heartbeat would make the scene a little more suspenseful without being too obvious. It's more felt than it is heard. The breathing gives the impression that the shot is almost a POV shot of Christian, placing the viewer in his perspective and forcing one to attempt to reason and sympathize with his cruel, inconceivable actions.

And here's the final footage:

It's quite possible I might make some subtle tweaks in the future, as I'm attempting to work around not having completely edited footage yet. However, as I continue to set the foundation for the sound design for individual shots, moving the sound designs over will be seamless.

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