Friday, January 31, 2025

Transitioning Into the Cambridge Portfolio Project

 Hello blog viewers! From now on, I officially begin the Portfolio Project, so all my posts from this point on will work toward developing the project. In exposition to the project, my teacher showed my class examples of various film openings from a variety of genres, from Scream all the way to Stranger than Fiction. We were introduced to the many different approaches to film openings, including establishing the setting, introducing characters, and even developing mystery. 

Some notes I jotted down on the different approaches to film openings

One film opening that really caught my attention was Jaws, and while I had seen the film previously I was really drawn towards how the opening builds the majority of tension and suspense without ever truly showing the villainous shark.

I would love to incorporate something like this into my project, something that keeps the audience guessing and catches them off guard. 

I also have always loved the opening to Memento (2001) as it catches the audience entirely off guard, and putting the entire opening in reverse is absolutely genius in of itself.
Memento (2001)

 I'm not sure exactly how just yet, but I would also love to incorporate something into my film opening that is entirely unique, unlike anything a viewer has seen before. 

 Overall, I can't wait to get started on this project, exercise my creativity, and document the entire process right on this URL! Let's see how it goes.

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